December is affectionately known by me, myself, and I as red lip month. I don’t know what it is about a red lip, but it’s synonymous with Christmas and I’m not mad about it. I love a dark lip but around the holiday’s I like to amp it up a little. Products Used: Lips: Jack…
Month: December 2015

Blogmas Day 1
‘Tis the season to be jolly fa-la-la-la-la la la la la. It’s December and as a new tradition at the end of my first year as Hungry and Well Dressed I will be doing Blogmas! Blogmas like Vlogmas is Christmas #TeamInternet Style. So I will be blogging every day until Christmas Eve! (Don’t worry Mom…

Project Pan 4 Month Update
Hello! So a month ago I posted about my start of Project Pan. I set out to use up products that I no longer reach for regularly or simply sit around without and love. It’s been a month so let’s see how I did! Lips NARS Lip gloss: Turkish Delight Clinic Chubby Stick: Mega Melon…