Dates: April 20 – May 20 Taurus are one of the most laidback of the zodiac signs, represented by the bull, they enjoy relaxing in serene and comforting environments. Taureans love being pampered and are the most likely of your friend group to have a Pinterest board dedicated to Hygge. Like with all of my…
Category: Lifestyle

5 Things I’m Looking Forward to Post- Social Distancing
By my tiktok counter (I’ve been tackling one mini-project a day throughout social distancing) today is day 34 of Social Distancing as per the declared Province of Ontario state of emergency, in reality I started 2ish weeks prior so I’m getting close to day 50 (RIP me and my social life). Since we are getting…

6 Lessons I’ve Learned (So Far) From COVID – 19
I’ve been social distancing for well over a month now and there are some major life lessons I’ve learned which I wanted to share just incase you had a spare moment or two to read them. Never Say No to a Social Gatherings Being stuck inside has changed my perspective on being social, while I…

Feel Good TV Shows I’ve Been Binging
Hellloooo! I have been trapped in my house for a WHILE and with that comes a lot of Netflix. As things are a little crazy there isn’t anything wrong with taking this time to escape into a little bit of feel good TV, so I wanted to share the shows that I’ve been bingeing that…

5 Tools to Help Keep You Organized
Hello Everyone!! Today is a little bit of a different day, but as the season is coming to a close and everything is changing (once again) I wanted to share my most used organization tools that help me keep track of (mostly) everything! Especially with everything having slowed down a little bit this spring, I’ve…

Zodiac Gift Guide – Aries
Dates: March 21 – April 19 Aries are bold and ambitious and aren’t afraid to dive head-first into any situation. As a fire sign, Aries are passionate and motivated. They are uncomplicated and direct in their approach so you always know where you stand with them. Like with all of my gift guides you can…