Happy Blogmas Day 21 Everyone! We are in the home stretch of blogmas and fast approaching Christmas! Today’s Blogmas is dedicated to vlogmas, for those who are unfamiliar with what vlogmas is it’s when YouTubers upload a video every single day from the 1st of December to the 25th. It’s very similar to blogmas but…

Blogmas Day 20: My Holiday Wishlist
You might be asking yourself, what does a fashion blogger who is constantly purchases new pieces have to wish for? Well, here’s the reality of it. I actually don’t buy that much in the scheme of bloggers… I actually don’t buy that much in the scheme of the average fashion obsessed person. I spend a…

Bonusmas Day 5: Holiday Gift Guide for the Homebody
The Homebody.. aka. me in real life. This is the person in your life that spends more time at home then out. You’ll likely find us on a lively Friday night at home and venturing out only when promised brunch. This is the gift guide for the homebody. PJ Salvage Print Flannel Pajamas 2. UGG…

Blogmas Day 19: Holiday Party Hairstyles
Holiday parties are upon us and it’s always a struggle knowing what to do with our hair. Should it go up? should it go down? trendy? not trendy? old hollywood? slickbacked? TBH we aren’t really sure, but we’ve compiled all of our favourite looks for you all to get a little inspo this holiday season!…

Bonusmas Day 4: Holiday Gift Guide for the Foodie
For the woman in your love who never stops talking about the last great meal she ate or is dragging you around town for one craving or another or she cooks you the best meals, you’ve ever had. This is the gift guide for her. 1. Anthropologie Eliana Serving Spoons 2. Le Labo Santal 33…

Blogmas Day 18: High Tea with Jo Malone at Colette Grand Cafe
With my friends and I, we don’t usually go out. Our Friday nights are spent chatting or catching up on sleep, to ensure that we make it to brunch Saturday morning. This fall, we’ve added High Tea to our weekend eating adventures to balance out brunching our way through Toronto. Our first high tea was…

Bonusmas Day 3: Holiday Gift Guide for the Fitness Enthusiast
The Fitness Enthusiast is probably one of my favourite people to shop for. Between the plethora of fitness clothing and accessories, there is so much out there for them! 1. FITBIT Versa Smart Watch 2. APL “Techloon Pro” Running Shoe 3. Dagne Dover 365 Large Landon Neoprene Carryall Duffel Bag 4. Alo Cover Wrapped Tee …

Blogmas Day 17: Holiday Hair Bows
There is something so festive about a hair boy for the holiday season! They are such a cute and classy way to bring together your holiday outfits! I’ve rounded up a few of my favourites for this season! Simply Sweet Oversized Bow Barrette Madeline Velvet Hair Scarf Burnout Velvet Bow Ponytail Holder Ribbed Velvet…

Bonusmas Day 2: Holiday Gift Guide for the Spiritual One
The most difficult people for me to buy for are my friends who are really spiritual. I don’t mean religious, but I do mean those who are in touch with their spirituality. The crystal lovers, yoga-goers, etc. It’s just the polar opposite personality to me so when it comes to knowing what they want I’m…

Blogmas Day 16: How to Give Back This Holiday Season
With all the gift guides coming out (mine included) it sometimes seems that the only thing people are interested in this time of year is what they’ll be receiving or stressing about what they’ll be giving. One of the overlooked aspects of the holiday season is those who are in need. There’s a lot of…