With the weather getting colder, the super drying indoor heating and an increase in hotter showers… your skin is probably getting a little (or a lot) drier and in need of some tender loving care. Here are my 3 super quick and easy things to add into your beauty routine to keep your skin in…

My Laser Hair Removal Experience: 2018
Shaving is a pain. Waxing is literally a pain. Epilating is more of a pain than waxing. HAIR REMOVAL SUCKS. I’ve been wanting to get laser hair removal for YEARS but never have because I’ve been quite terrified of the stories from people who described it as “pinching or elastic band snapping” ALL OVER. No…

The Truth About Travelling as a Blogger
Hey Guys! So as I have begun to unpack from my most recent trip to Spain and Portugal while beginning the process of packing for my upcoming trip to Asia, I’ve been thinking about what I means to travel as a blogger/instagrammer/vlogger. I personally had this expectation of travelling for #thegram as being so glamours,…

The End Of Summer
With labour day weekend over and with back to school underway, it’s officially the end of summer. With the end of summer sadly comes with a tinge of nostalgia but excitement for the new season! Septemeber means fashion month! NYFW is already underway and TFW is wrapping up, along with TIFF starting soon there is…

How I Take and Edit Instagram Pictures
Hey Everyone! There is a struggle that most Instagrammers and Bloggers have starting off and that is that they need pictures and/or video content but don’t always have the budget to spend money on a photographer. If you are in that boat (like me) here are some of my tips and tricks! Your friends, family,…

Transitioning Your Summer Wardrobe To Pre-Fall
As I am writing this, Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL) season is upon us in ONE DAY… yes people, fall is coming. With that being said, it is sadly time to start putting away the summer clothing and start pulling out the winter wear from the back of our wardrobes. At Hungry and Well Dressed, we…

Hit Like A Girl
So I golf, I don’t really talk too much about it because it’s not really what my blog is about but I do it. I’ve been golfing since I was 9 or 10 years old, been a member at the same club forever and played on the golf team in high school. I’m well aware…

Brands I’m Coveting for Fall 2018
With fall right around the corner and sweaters starting to hit stores, I’ve been thinking A LOT about the brands that have caught my eye for the season. There are a few trends that I have been ALL OVER when I’ve been doing my fall browsing. These trends are plaid, suiting/tailored pieces, romantic blouses, and…

How to Style Your Summer Dresses For Fall
Fall is fast approaching and it’s soon going to be too cold here in Toronto to wear anything but jeans, a cozy sweater (layered over a thermal)(preferably that also covers your butt, a parka (or two) and boots that cover all the way up to your thighs leaving only a small small gap between the…

How to Pick The Perfect Pair of Denim Shorts
With the end of summer starting, now is the perfect time to start investing in a pair of shorts. Not only have all the summer collections now been released, but they have also (in some cases) just started going on sale meaning you can get the same shorts you would have gotten at the beginning…