I have a confession, growing up I had really really bad acne… to the point that I was prescribed and am still religiously using topical acne medication from a dermatologist. My current skincare routine has been built around the necessity for me to use these two products for the foreseeable future while addressing what my…

On The Hunt For: February 2018
Hello! It’s FEBRUARY!!! And if you didn’t know, February is my birthday month, so this month for me is a bit of a “treat yourself” moment. Because of this, I’ve planned out what I wanted for the last few weeks and have been saving for those particular pieces, as such this month I only have…

How to Pack for Winter in London
Being from Canada my vacations growing up usually consisted of escaping the cold weather we experience from November until May or travelling somewhere during the summer. Since I have started travelling more throughout the winter to other countries experiencing cold weather I have struggled with packing. Packing for warm weather is SO easy, especially as…

How I Packed for Singapore and London: Christmas 2017
Hello Everyone! We are coming off Birthday weekend here in London, and I am nearing the end of my trip. If you haven’t read my What Am I Doing in London post then you may not know that I’ve been staying in London for the past month and prior to London I was in Singapore. In…

The 5 Basics You Always Need in Your Wardrobe
There are pieces that everyone can agree that you need in your wardrobe… that is if you live in a place that experiences a decent amount of temperature fluctuation… and there are the pieces that you want in your wardrobe that you really don’t NEED, but really WANT. A Capsule Wardrobe is your collection of…
Happy Birthday to Me!
It’s my BIRTHDAY!! Today I am 23 and am celebrating in London! Since my birthday is only a month after New Years I usually try to avoid the “things I learned and things I’m doing differently” post only because in the past I’ve tried to write one and it’s sounded ALOT like my New Years…

2018 Resolutions
2017 was… well 2017. Like every year it had it’s ups and downs but this year held much more personal highs and lows, there were some big life changes that came about. Namely, I left university, my friend group almost entirely changed, and I met someone. To start this year off I wanted to write…

What am I Doing in London?
Hey Guys! I’ve been sitting here writing posts about how I’ve been packing for my recent travels and my various London city guides and realized I haven’t explained what I’m up to! For those of you that don’t know this about me (but I do mention it a lot because it legit is an FAQ)…

How I’m Shopping in 2018
There is SO much out there to purchase and with the constant inundation of products from influencers and advertisement and celebrities it’s not surprising that I/we tend to end up wanting everything or nothing or frustrated. Another difficulty that I have with buying things is that while I would love for my wardrobe to be…

On The Hunt: January 2018
“On The Hunt” is a new series that will be published monthly (usually on the first excuse this month’s delay) and it will detail the pieces that I’m looking to purchase that month, why and the options I’m looking at. The purpose of this series is to give you an insight into how I decide…