It will come to no surprise to my family and friends, that I’ve decided to make a series on my blog about shoes.. I love shoes. Between shoes and denim, I rarely buy anything else. It’s a problem and my closet is slowly feeling the struggle of it. However, in that regard I actually have…
Month: January 2019

Fakes are NOT Dupes
Alright, I’ve seen enough and I can’t keep silent anymore. FAKES ARE NOT DUPES… I repeat ARE NOT DUPES. Ok, let’s be very real and upfront with you and while I’m not going to call out people by name, I’m SURE you guys have seen this happening, but I’m so tired of bloggers/youtubers/influencers PEDDLING (with affiliate…

How-To: Chinese New Year
IT’S THE YEAR OF THE PIGGGGG!!! I’m very excited about this because it’s my zodiac and while some people believe that it’s bad luck, in my family we are choosing to celebrate as a big birthday because it’s literally every 12 years that you get to celebrate your zodiac lol. It’s also a special year…

Why Dolce & Gabbana is Cancelled
It’s the end of D&G as we know it. Two months ago, Stefano Gabbana, co-founder of the eponymous Dolce & Gabbana made RACIST comments against members of the Chinese Ethno-Cultural Group (Ethno-Cultural: A social science term commonly used in discussion about race, ethnicity and nationality to denote the grouping of ethnicity and culture to create…

My Fast Fashion Rules
It’s no surprise if you look through my Instagram feed (, that I’m usually in a pair of jeans and either a tee or some form of knit (weather dependent). What is usually not so obvious is where those items are from or the fact that it’s usually the same pieces mixed around in different…

How to Wear Leather Pants
Leather pants can be daunting to wear and aren’t quite as comfortable as a regular pair of jeans. However, there are ways to make it much more comfortable and ways to style them to make them a seamless staple in your wardrobe. Leather Pants You Should Be Buying The foundation of any style is the…

What I Break My Fast Fashion Rule For
I am a pretty big believer in avoiding fast fashion where I can. Fast fashion is pretty much destroying the fashion industry as we know it with shelves upon shelves of designer “dupes” and it’s opened up this broader culture where people once again think it’s 100% acceptable not only to buy fakes BUT to…

Resolutions and What Nots
As I am writing this, it is indeed January 1st, 2019. As such, it’s time for the 2019 Resolutions both business wise and personal. Blog: Now, after coming off the high of Blogmas, I would love to post twice a week throughout 2019. Which in theory means that there should be at minimum by December…

The Truth About Events As A Blogger
Let’s be real, being a blogger/content creator is hard work. It’s not hard work the same way being a lawyer is or the way being a construction worker is. It’s mentally hard. Until you get going in this industry it’s all up to you, you have to be self-starting, self- motivated, you are it. So…