Spring is here!!! While we aren’t exactly heading out for drinks, brunch or even lunch… it doesn’t mean that we have to throw the towel in completely in regards to playing with this seasons trends. This season the pastel trend has extended into our makeup collections with frosty blues, minty greens, lilacs and soft rose…
Month: March 2020

My At Home Productivity Tips
With many of us working from home and the possibility of WFH becoming the new normal for many people once we are released from the stay at home parameters… at least part time. I wanted to share some of my WFH productivity tips that I employ for the days when I’m at home studying or…

How to Get Out of a Wardrobe Rut
I have been in the worst wardrobe rut recently, between feeling massively uninspired with my wardrobe and feeling very over the winter weather I just can’t seem to put together an outfit that I feel put together in and is warm enough for the weather. So… how you may ask am I getting myself out…
On The Hunt: March 2020
Winter is almost over so it’s time to slowly start to put away my winter wear and bring out my spring clothes! In looking through my transitional wardrobe there are a few pieces that I feel I’m missing that would round out my collection perfectly and help me get more wear out of some of…

March 2020 Mood Board
Spring is on its way and with it, the snow is melting, the weather is warming up and my spring pieces are starting to make their way out of hibernation! This month I’ve been transitioning my winter wardrobe to Spring with some lighter layers paired with my leather pieces. Despite the weather being unpredictable, I’ve…