New Years Eve is fast approaching now that Christmas is over, to ring in the New Year I’ve put together a few compiled looks for you guys to get you inspired for what to wear for your own New Years Eve! xoxo S
Category: Inspiration

Spring 2019 Trends I’m Getting Behind
Spring is one week away and it’s time to switch your wardrobe over, hide your parkas and push the snow boots as far back into your closet as they can possibly go and (if you are Canadian you go straight for the summer wear cause we are hardcore like that) get your warm weather gear…

Veronica Lodge Get the Look Riverdale Season 1
I wrote a Cheryl Blossom Get The Look last year for season one and it’s arguably been my most popular blog post to-date… like people STILL search it lol. SO I felt it was time to do one for Veronica Lodge. Between the two girls, they epitomize everything I want my fall/winter fashion to be….

How I Afford Contemporary/Luxury Fashion
As a young adult trying to make it as a fashion blogger it’s crucial that I keep a constant stream of the latest trends. This can get pricey at any fashion price- point, but especially when I prefer slightly more upmarket brands that are definitely considered more investment pieces. There is a way to be…

On The Hunt: March 2018
March means spring is on its way!! In preparation for the new season I’ve got quite a few pieces I’m looking at, and there are so many new pieces coming into stores! On The Hunt 1: Rag & Bone Newbury Ankle Boot These have been on my “to buy” list for YEARS. I’ve tried them…

On The Hunt For: February 2018
Hello! It’s FEBRUARY!!! And if you didn’t know, February is my birthday month, so this month for me is a bit of a “treat yourself” moment. Because of this, I’ve planned out what I wanted for the last few weeks and have been saving for those particular pieces, as such this month I only have…

Cherly Blossom Get The Look Riverdale Season 1
Anyone who watches Riverdale will know and love (?) Cheryl’s sass, savagery and amazing fashion sense. While she is a TV show character and thus, doesn’t always have the most practical outfits, however, she slays. There are 3 things that I think about when Cheryl Blossom fashion are jewel tones (red and green specifically), patterns (gingham…

Chrissy Teigan New York Fashion Week Get the Look, September 11th
Chrissy Teigan has impeccable style, fearless twitter clap-backs and has the most adorable family… who says you can’t have it all? In scrolling through my explore page, as one does when one doesn’t want to close Instagram but has exhausted ones own feed, I came across her posts from September 11th and obviously started searching the internet…

Sunday Brunch – Oretta, September 10th
This fall season one of my biggest style inspirations from TV is Cheryl Blossom, the cast of Riverdale overall has the best wardrobe I’ve seen since Blair Waldorf (forever my style icon). What I love about her style is the rich colours, prints and textures that are combined with simple silhouettes. While Cheryl wears way…

Blogmas Day 17: Stocking Stuffers
Need a quick little gift to add to your S/O’s present, or some stocking stuffers? We’ve got you covered. Charging Cables/Headphones… I don’t know about you, but I can never have enough charging cables because I lose them or they break on me or I can never find my headphones. These are easy small, and…