When travelling, I’m not only going to see the city but I’m also going to shoot some content. Two birds with one stone. In a big city like New York, it’s so difficult to know where to begin, and with so many different guides out there how are you to know where to find them,…
Category: Travel

My 72 Hour New York City Itinerary
There is A LOT to do in New York City, it’s impossible to see even all of one borough in a weekend… let alone bounce between them. Usually, when I visit New York City, I stay in Manhattan and will usually only venture out to Brooklyn. I know a lot of people will say that…

How To Plan a Weekend In NYC
We all know the struggle of planning a short trip. This past weekend I took a 3 day trip to NYC which is a SHORT amount of time to spend in the city. I spent a summer studying there the summer between first and second year and still didn’t get everything in. SO. With that…

How-To: Chinese New Year
IT’S THE YEAR OF THE PIGGGGG!!! I’m very excited about this because it’s my zodiac and while some people believe that it’s bad luck, in my family we are choosing to celebrate as a big birthday because it’s literally every 12 years that you get to celebrate your zodiac lol. It’s also a special year…

Blogmas Day 6: Holiday Gift Guide for Him
As difficult as I find shopping for the women in my life, I find shopping for the men even more challenging. I find that I’m less certain of their likes and dislikes when it comes down to the nitty gritty gift giving. Short of buying them all Leafs or Raptors tickets (rip wallet) I’ve compiled…

The Truth About Travelling as a Blogger
Hey Guys! So as I have begun to unpack from my most recent trip to Spain and Portugal while beginning the process of packing for my upcoming trip to Asia, I’ve been thinking about what I means to travel as a blogger/instagrammer/vlogger. I personally had this expectation of travelling for #thegram as being so glamours,…

Sugar Beach
It’s the end of summer here in Toronto, while summer does officially go through until the middle/end of September, labour day is the unofficial end of summer. With everyone heading back off to university, I’m lucky enough to FINALLY, have the majority of my friends all home in the city full time!!!! Which means that…

LISTEN UP PEOPLE! Hungry and Well Dressed has hit YouTube and we are here for it! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss out! xoxo Steph
South Beach/Miami Travel Guide 2018
Hey Guys! I’ve been to Miami a lot! I used to come down all the time when I was in school because my parents had work down here and I got to tag along (shame!) but as such, I’ve gotten to know my way around South Beach in particular and thought I’d share what I…

How I Packed for Singapore and London: Christmas 2017
Hello Everyone! We are coming off Birthday weekend here in London, and I am nearing the end of my trip. If you haven’t read my What Am I Doing in London post then you may not know that I’ve been staying in London for the past month and prior to London I was in Singapore. In…