Inspired by fall mornings in Paris
Month: November 2020

Aritzia Clientele Sale| Answering Your Questions 2020
Hello Everyone! I’ve been getting flooded with Clientele questions on TikTok and YouTube so I wanted to put together a bit of a FAQ with what I know, some stuff I’ve learned for you guys and general how it all works. Clientele Fall 2020 is running from Nov 19th – Nov 25th. Sale opens to…

Monochromatic Get the Look: Camel
Good morning, good morning! Today is the first day in my Monochromatic Outfit Series! Monochromatic outfits have been massively trending this year, especially with camel and shades of brown! I want to make this series to test my creative abilities in creating outfits out of my normal comfort zone as I don’t normally wear colourful…

Aritzia Clientele Picks: Black Friday 2020
Hello Everyone, This afternoon I got the very exciting call that clientele is starting at the end of this week and I’ve been WAITING to put this post up forever. I have so many picks for you guys, I can’t wait. I myself am going on the conservative side this year as we are sadly…

Silk Labs Review
Good Morning Everyone! Today I have a very exciting review for you all, the Silk Labs Scrunchies! Alright we are getting to the point today and I’m coming right out with it and telling you I love them. They retail for $12 CAD (amazing for the high quality, handmade nature and localness). There is no…

Aritzia Fall Haul
Good Afternoon Everyone! We are right in the middle of fall and our delightful heatwave is sadly coming to a very rapid end. While I enjoyed the week of summer we had in the middle of November, it’s now back to regularly scheduled fall content. I love Aritzia (it’s no secret), so I wanted to…

COSRX Pimple Patch Review
Hello hello everyone! I don’t know about you guys but I’ve been struggling with mascne and while I’ve been trying my best to keep my mask clean and my skincare routine on top of everything but still I’ve been getting breakouts. I took matters into my own hands and got pimple patches so I could…