Good Afternoon Everyone! We are right in the middle of fall and our delightful heatwave is sadly coming to a very rapid end. While I enjoyed the week of summer we had in the middle of November, it’s now back to regularly scheduled fall content. I love Aritzia (it’s no secret), so I wanted to…

COSRX Pimple Patch Review
Hello hello everyone! I don’t know about you guys but I’ve been struggling with mascne and while I’ve been trying my best to keep my mask clean and my skincare routine on top of everything but still I’ve been getting breakouts. I took matters into my own hands and got pimple patches so I could…

November 2020 Mood Board
I don’t know about you guys, but I find the time in between Thanksgiving and Christmas so odd. It’s really neither here nor there, BUT it’s the best time to start to get your holiday wardrobe sorted and get the use out of your wool coats before the winter chill fully sets in. xoxo S

On the Hunt: November 2020
Hello hello! We are nearing the end of the year and I’m honestly so excited. I love holiday season in general and with the year that we’ve had, I’m excited excited to celebrate and make my home has wonderfully festive as possible. Also with my exams coming to an end, I’m finally going to have…

October Book Club: Girl, Serpent, Thorn
Happy Halloween everyone! We are back today with our second book club post! Today’s book is Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust. I legitimately picked this book because Audible recommended it to me while I was listening to the Dark Artifices Trilogy by Cassandra Clare and I thought the cover was interesting… yes… the choice…

Aritzia Sizing Update 2020
Good afternoon everyone, Since my last Aritzia Sizing Update was super popular, and things have changed a little since then I thought I would do another update to share my thoughts with you guys to hopefully make your online/in-store shopping experience a bit easier. If you are interested in any specific pieces and how they…