It’s sale time! The Sephora Semi- Annual sale has officially wrapped and I’ve FINALLY received my order (they are taking longer to ship out due to warehouse protocols surrounding COVID) which I wanted to share with you guys. As you all know, I’ve been really focused on cleaning up my skincare regime and making sure…
Category: Beauty

The Beauty Shelfie – April
Month 4! We’ve made some noticeable changes and I’ve used up one of the 3 remaining oils! Very happy with the current progress. The biggest change this month has been that I’ve organized my skincare by colour so it has a lovely colour gradient, as well as added in some new products as the end…

The Lip Products I’ll Be Buying ASAP
Good Afternoon Everyone, We are now fairly far along in my year of lipstick no buy and am pleased to say that as of late, I’ve actually started to use more lipsticks! I’ve been filming a lot more frequently and thus have been doing my makeup more which in combination to my infrequent excursions out…

My Sephora Sale Picks
The Sephora sale starts tomorrow for VIB Rouge and I am so excited, it cannot come at a better time for my collection as I need to restock a few (close to 5) products! Since this sale is coming in the midst of the pandemic my picks are going to be heavily biased towards skincare,…

3 Easy no Heat Hair Styles
It’s starting to get warmer and I seriously do not have the patience (or the heart tolerance) to blow dry my hair so I’m going to share my three favourite no heat hair styles. All will work on freshly wash hair and some will work for second/third day hair! Mermaid Waves This hair style is…

The Beauty Shelfie – March
We are officially three months into this project woot! It’s been slow going, but there is progress being made on my products that while not obvious from the sheflies will slowly become clear once the empties start coming up! The weather has changed for the better here which is lovely because I don’t feel like…

A Deep Dive Into Clean Beauty
I feel like clean beauty is a crazily talked about and for good reason, we put makeup and skincare onto a faces pretty much EVERY SINGLE DAY. Which wow, let me tell you is shocking considering how poorly regulated the cosmetic industry is. Thankfully some governments are actually doing their due diligence and banning ingredients/products…

Spring Makeup Trends To Start Wearing Now(On Your Zoom Calls)!
Spring is here!!! While we aren’t exactly heading out for drinks, brunch or even lunch… it doesn’t mean that we have to throw the towel in completely in regards to playing with this seasons trends. This season the pastel trend has extended into our makeup collections with frosty blues, minty greens, lilacs and soft rose…

My All Time Favourite Hair Care Brands
Hair care is such a hit or miss category for me. I find my hair is best when I leave it mostly to it’s own devices and really doesn’t do well with product UNLESS I actually want curls to last and then I have to put in so much product it’s sad. I also find…

First Aid Beauty Haul
Hello! After my year of no-buy with minimal replacement purchases only, it’s time to start filling in a few of the holes that have come up in my skincare that I’m desperately missing (especially because it’s winter and my skin is far less forgiving in the weather). I picked up two items in the Sephora…