Hello Everybody! We are sadly at the final book of the summer book club, I feel like the summer has just flown by and we are now in the sprint into fall. Today’s book is the final book in the To All the Boy’s I’ve Loved Before series, which lines up with the end of the summer book club and the end of summers… wow… today is all about endings.
Scroll down for my thoughts and review!
Previous:Â P.S. I Still Love You. Rating: 10/10. Readability: 10/10. Would Recommend: Yes! Read My Full Review: https://hungryandwelldressed.com/summer-book-club-p-s-i-still-love-you/

Always and Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han
Rating: 8/10
Readability: 8/10
Would Recommend: Yes!
This is it, this is the end. I really hard such a hard time picking up this book because I didn’t want to story to end. I also was really getting nervous for Lara Jean and Peter with their relationship… I remember the time in the second half of my grade 12 year when everyone was getting their university acceptances and those of us who were in relationships were facing the impending “do we break up before we head leave for school, do we try and stick it out and potentially break up at thanksgiving for the *turkey dump*, do you make it work until you inevitably grow apart, or are you the lucky few who stay together and live happily ever after”. High school was rough for so many reason, then you add university pressure and relationship uncertainty, it’s almost ridiculous the amount of teen angst floating around.
I did love how throughout this book, Lara Jean finally realizes that she needs to take charge of her own life and follow her own plan vs. following Peters path just so she could be close to him.
As with all things, I’m glad the story had a happy ending and it was a nice way to wrap up the trilogy with the warm fuzzies.